As we approach the middle of hurricane season make sure you and your family are prepared. September and October are the most active months, so I thought I would offer a few tips.
First and foremost, you want to go over your plan with the family. Be sure to have your vehicles filled with gas in the event you need to leave. Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle and have cash with you, because the bank ATMs will not be working if there is a power outage.
A hurricane can cut off your power and water supply. You may not be able to drive due to the roads being flooded and/or blocked. Be sure to clear your yard to make sure nothing can blow around and damage your home, i.e., lawn furniture, grills, bikes, etc. Use storm shutters or plywood to cover your windows to help protect you from shattered glass. Arrange for your pets to have a safe place to stay (shelter) if you plan on leaving and are not able to take them with you. Stay inside and away from doors and windows until you hear officially that the storm is no longer a threat.
Be sure to prepare the following:
An emergency food and water supply for several days. Be sure your prescriptions are filled and you have what you need to last several days. Have on hand power sources such as flashlights and batteries as well as candles. Have a battery- powered radio so you will know what is going on with the storm. Have with you, in a waterproof bag, important documents, including medical records, wills, passports and personal identification. If you plan on leaving, let a family member or friend know where you are going. BE SAFE!!!
Did you know? September is National Preparedness Month and the peak of hurricane season.
Share this blog post with your friends and family to help them get prepared too! – Joanie Pape Real Estate
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August 24, 2023
As The Tropics Turn